Stewartsboro Elementary School
Stewartsboro Elementary School serves families in Smyrna from many differnet backgrounds. Many of the families that send children to SES are first and second generation US citizens. There are several schools like SES in our area where local churches have opportunity to extend Gospel love to the nations..
Presently, we are working on provide backpack ministry at the beginning of each school year. In 2022, we collected and packed 100+ backpacks with supplies for the children of SES. If you are interested in other ministry opportunities with SES, please contactLucas Hutchinson, Deacon of Community Outreach.
Wherry Housing Project
Wherry Housing, formerly a military housing community in Smyrna, is a multicultural housing community located in Smyrna, TN. As home to a diverse collection of people and refugee population, they aim to serve the community through a variety of ministries catering to their unique and special needs. If you would like to serve in the Wherry Housing Community, check out their website or contact Lucas Hutchinson who is our deacon overseeing larger community outreach.
Nolensville Food Pantry
Nolensville Food Pantry is a ministry of Providence Baptist Church in Nolensville, TN that began in March of 2010 just before the major flood that impacted Middle Tennessee hit in May 2010. This catapulted this ministry into a local and regional reach over the past 10 years. NFP provides several services to 100's of families in the Nashville area throughout the year. In 2018, Grace Church partnered with the Nolensville Food Pantry to provide 150 Thanksgiving Boxes and Turkeys to families at Cedar Grove Elementary. We hope to do more ministry like this in the years to come.