Grace Church is a member of the Pillar Network, an intra-Southern Baptist Network of theologically like-minded Christ-centered churches. The SBC is a large denomination made up of a diversity of churches. Though our essentials are made clear in our statement of faith called the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, diversity on more narrower theological debates and local church practices makes it necessary to seek out affinity groups and networks that represent our particular convictions as a church. The Pillar Network aligns with our reformed theological convictions as well as our view of healthy local church polity. We are excited to participate with our brothers and sisters in the Pillar Network.
We jouyfully partner with 48,000 other Local Baptist Congregations across our nation who are committed to proclaiming the Gospel around the globe. Every Baptist church is an autonomous congregation and therefore the SBC is an association of churches that exists to serve the interests and will of the local churches that make up this association. Though Southern Baptists are a big tent Baptist association and therefore we will find disagreement with some of our sister SBC churches, the work of our seminaries and mission boards are the primary reason we joyfully partner with the SBC.